Friday 31 July 2015

TRSF Characters and Painting

TRSF Strike Infantry and Combat Gear Diagram 

Strategic Strike Infantry with H.O.G. (High- Impact Ordnance Gun)

 TRSF Interceptor Fighter Refuelling and Rearming

Mamba Scout Sniper with Long Rail Rifle

 Mamba Scout Spotter with Battle Rail Rifle and Combat Gear Diagram

TRSF Strike Infantry Insertion

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Personae Studios Work from 2013 - 2015

A small selection of work done during my time as a Concept Designer at Personae Studios L.L.P. These concepts are for PICS: Towers of Defence, an isometric tower defence game with an in-built map, unit and tower Editor.

The Editor allows players to create custom new Maps with different unit and tower stats.

During my time here, I worked on Towers, Enemy Units, Environments, Props, Buildings, Ground Tiles, and more. Most of these are drawn in isometric (objects drawn do not appear larger or smaller over distance) to accurately reflect what can be rendered in-game on the engine.

I also worked on various parts of the UI/ UX for both the in-game and out-of-game (Editor) portions of this title.

PICS is an acronym for Play, Improve, Create and Share.

Copyright © 2013-2015 Personae Studios L.L.P.